Welcome to Caldergreen Medical Practice

Practice Merger

From April 3rd, 2023, the partners of Calderglen Medical Practice and Huntergreen Medical Practice are delighted to announce that they will be working together as a single GP Practice called Caldergreen Medical Practice continuing to supply NHS Primary Care services to the patients of East Kilbride. Only on a bigger scale. 

This is very exciting news for all patients and staff as it ensures sustainability and continuity of NHS Primary Care service provision in our town, as well as terrific opportunities for future growth. Over the months since the GPs decided to merge, there has been a great deal of behind the scenes activity.  We have reviewed processes, policies, operating procedures, and many more things.  There is still a little more to finalise over the next few weeks, but 3rd April will be the first day of service provision and joint-working for the new organisation.

One of the key things that it is important for us to stress to you, our patients, is that this joining-up of practices is an opportunity to build something bigger, better and more effective for the people we see, treat and serve. It is a hugely positive move for us all and puts us all in a very strong position for the years to come to continue to offer high-quality Primary Care services in East Kilbride.  We would like to reassure patients that you will still be able to access services, staff and clinics in Hunter community health centre.

We provide comprehensive NHS primary care services to help you manage your health and well-being.

Our aim is to provide a high quality, caring and personal healthcare service to our whole patient population by:

  • Putting our patients at the centre of what we do
  • Having a highly qualified and trained multi-professional integrated primary Healthcare Team
  • Offering our services in a safe, supportive and suitably equipped environment, using technological advances in healthcare systems for our patient’s benefit.

Get Well, Keep Well

Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing.

Know who to turn to for your healthcare

We want to help you get the right medical assistance when you’re ill, injured or have a long term condition. Going directly to the person with the appropriate skills is important. This can help you to a speedier recovery and makes sure all NHS services are run efficiently.


When you need healthcare advice or help with medicines


Sudden loss of vision. Blurred vision. Painful or red eyes?


When your mouth or teeth need urgent attention

NHS Out-of-hours

When your GP and local pharmacy are closed

Minor Injuries Unit

When you need urgent care for a minor injury, burn or fracture

Accident & Emergency

When an illness or injury is serious or life-threatening